Mission and Goal

The mission is to explain the truth of the Shroud of Turin by educating Catholic elementary and high school students coast to coast and border to border in the United States. The goal is to place The Holy Winding Sheet in every Catholic school in the nation.


Fr. Eamon Kelly


Several years ago when our production company, the Salt River Production Group, was on location in Jerusalem to produce a documentary on the Holy Land, we met Fr. Eamon Kelly, LC. He gave us a tour of the Shroud of Turin Exhibit at the Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center. He lamented, because of the 1988 carbon dating, which concluded the Shroud was a product of the Middle Ages, "There are two generations of people who have not been properly educated about the Shroud."

Over the next several years in a number of casual conversations about the Shroud, the authenticity of the Shroud was routinely dismissed. The responses would include, "I thought it was a fake." Others would say, "I heard it was a painting." And many confessed, "I have never heard of it."

Those conversations made us realize Fr. Kelly was correct and planted the seeds for the project. We wondered if perhaps our company could produce an educational documentary about the Shroud to a younger audience, most notably high school students.

Read more about the project | Watch the Trailer | Something to Think About