Weekend Reflections

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The Exhausting Rat Race

January 02, 2023

Chuck Neff

When I start working these crazy hours, I wonder why I do it. Life suddenly becomes a survival course. Tunnel vision dominates my view of the world. All the truly important priorities go out of focus and fly out the window. I become a ship in the night drifting in and out of the ol’ home port. A name tag would seem appropriate to remind you and the kids who I am.

Praying and writing and ‘seeking first the Kingdom’ and celebrating Mass become vague memories and move quickly down my list of priorities. The reality is that those parts of my life should rise to the apex, and be the absolute highest part of my day. Instead it all gets swept away, pushed aside in the name of meeting deadlines and earning money.

Something is not quite right here and I am stuck as to why this non-sensical lifestyle never seems to change. Life is a chore and I don’t think that’s how God wants us to live our lives.

And yet the traps of the world just keep winding up in the same place. Satan must be having a field day at times like these. There has to be a better way.

I don’t’ know if I am determined to change it…or too tired to care.

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